Courses Taught • Guest Lectures & Panel Membership
Courses Taught
School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford
- MSc Strategic Environmental Management
Erasmus University Rotterdam, NL
- MSc (International Management/CEMS): International Climate Policy Negotiations
European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), Climate-KIC Summer School, Frankfurt, Germany
- PhD Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
- PhD Doctoral Career Coaching: Publishing Strategies and Building a Network
University of Oxford, UK
- MSc (Nature, Society and Environmental Policy): Environmental Policy and Context
- MSc (Environmental Change Management): Qualitative Methods
- MSc (Geography): International Climate Politics, Climate Change Science and Policy
- MBA Sustainability, Environment and Organisation
Erasmus University, Rotterdam, NL
- BA (International Business): Academic Skills Development
- BA (International Business): Tutor Project
- BA (International Business): Bachelor Thesis Methodology: Sustainability Management
- BA (International Business): Bachelor Thesis Methodology: Climate Research
- MSc (General Management): Climate Policy module in International Business Law
- MSc (General Management): Master's Thesis Supervision
- MBA Business of Climate Change
University of Cambridge, UK (as Teaching Assistant)
- MBA International Business
- MBA Business Strategy
Various Public & Private Schools, Canada & Germany
- Primary School All subjects; specialisation in natural sciences
- Secondary School German (all levels); French
- Adult Education Business German; German for Foreigners; English as a Second Language
Guest Lectures & Panel Membership
- From Coal Levy to Pay-the-Polluter Principle: Germany's Policy Innovation to Constrain Lignite Production International Conference on Fossil Fuel Supply and Climate Policy, Oxford, UK.
- Diesel Deception: the Volkswagen Emission Scandal and its Aftermath University of Oxford, UK.
- The Lima Climate Summit Outcomes and Outlook University of Oxford, UK.
- The Warsaw Climate Summit and the Path towards Paris 2015 University of Oxford, UK.
- Climate Summits as Field-Configuring Events Erasmus University, NL.
- Corporate Climate Strategies University of Basel, Switzerland.
- Creating a Low Carbon Economy UK Government, 10 Downing Street, London, UK.
- What Does It Mean to Become Carbon Neutral? University of Calgary, Canada.
- How Can Management Theory Inform Climate Change Research? Academy of Management Conference, Chicago, USA.
- Conference of Parties as Field-Configuring Events UN Climate Summit, Germany.
- Understanding Climate Policy Workshop on Transport and Climate, Paris, France.
- Addressing Climate Change MIT Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
- Revisiting the Carbon Market Panel Chair, UN Climate Summit, Bonn, Germany.
- Sustainable Transport UN Climate Summit, Nairobi, Kenya.
- Climate Policy in Thailand Government of Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Climate and Energy: Our Future at Stake Warwick University, UK.
- The Cluster Approach to the Clean Development Mechanism UN Climate Summit, Montreal, Canada.
- Private Investments Move Ecopower – A Participatory Approach to Financing Energy Efficiency Measures UN Climate Summit, Montreal, Canada (view presentation here).
- What Global Framework after Kyoto? European Policy Summit, Brussels, Belgium.
- Climate Change Policy Beyond 2012 McPlanet Kongress, Hamburg, Germany.
- The Future of the European Emission Trading System TerraTec Exhibition, Leipzig, Germany.
- European Climate Change Policy UN Climate Summit, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Policy Research Methods L.L.M./Ph.D. course on EU Environmental Law, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), London, UK.
- Institutional Change in the Mitigation of Climate Change Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI), Hamburg, Germany.
- A Social Forum on Climate Change World Climate Change Conference, Moscow, Russia.
- The Clean Development Mechanism: Institutionalizing New Power Relations Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany.
- Methodology: A Journey M.Phil./Ph.D. Management Studies, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
- Institutional Change in Climate Change Policy United Nations Secretariat, Bonn, Germany.